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Script Code : Buat Form Bandwidth Monitor

Posted on
  • Friday, December 9, 2011
  • by
  • Rizal
  • in
  • Labels:
  • Anda pasti tahu apa itu Bandwidth Monitor? kalau belum tau Bandwidth Monitor adalah suatu program kecil untuk mengetahui suatu proses kinerja dari PC kita, baik itu proses dalam mengirim data atau mengunduh suatu data, Bandwidth Monitor yang saya buat memang agak seperti IDM (Internet Download Manager), tapi tidak sebagus kayak IDM. Tapi lumayan  untuk program kecil, bisa digunakan sendiri untuk mengetahui proses kinerja dari PC, baiklah di sini saya akan berbagi script code program untuk membuat Bandwidth Monitor, tapi bahasa pemprograman yang digunakan adalah bahasa pemprograman VB (Visual Basic).
    Keterangan Gambar.
    Script Code :
    Disini anda tinggal mengklik bagian dari menu dibawah ini!
    1. Forms
        - frmMain(frmMain.frm)
    2. Modules
        - Main(Main.bas)
    3. Class Modules
        - CInterface(CInterface.cls)
        - CInterfaces(CInterfaces.cls)
        - CIpHelper(CIpHelper.cls)
    1. Forms
    Private Sub picTray_Click()
    PopupMenu mnuPopup
    End Sub
    Private Sub picTray_DblClick()
    Unload Me
    End Sub
    Private Sub picTray_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
    If Me.Visible Then Exit Sub
    Select Case X / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
    Case Is = WM_MOUSEMOVE
    End Select
    End Sub
    Private Sub tmrReset_Timer()
    DownloadSpeedTop = 0 'Download kecepatan rata-rata
    UploadSpeedTop = 0 'Rata-rata kecepatan upload
    End Sub
    Private Sub tmrUpdate_Timer()
    On Error Resume Next
    If DateDiff("s", LastMoment, Now) < 1 Then Exit Sub
    tmrUpdate.Enabled = False
    Dim objInterface As CInterface
    Set objInterface = m_objIpHelper.Interfaces(cboConnectionType.ListIndex + 1)
    lblType = m_objIpHelper.Interfaces(cboConnectionType.ListIndex + 1).InterfaceDescription & " "
    Dim BytesRecv As Long, BytesSent As Long
    BytesRecv = m_objIpHelper.BytesReceived
    BytesSent = m_objIpHelper.BytesSent
    lblRecv.Caption = Format(BytesRecv / 1024, "###,###,###,###,##0 KB")
    lblSent.Caption = Format(BytesSent / 1024, "###,###,###,###,##0 KB")
    Dim DS As Long, US As Long
    DS = BytesRecv - LastRecvBytes
    US = BytesSent - LastSentBytes
    If DownloadSpeedTop < DS Then
    tmrReset.Enabled = False
    tmrReset.Enabled = True
    DownloadSpeedTop = DS
    End If
    If UploadSpeedTop < US Then
    tmrReset.Enabled = False
    tmrReset.Enabled = True
    UploadSpeedTop = US
    End If
    DownloadSpeedAverage = (DownloadSpeedAverage + DS) / 2
    UploadSpeedAverage = (UploadSpeedAverage + US) / 2
    lblDownloadSpeedTop = "Top download speed: " & Format(DownloadSpeedTop / 1024, "###,###,###,###,#0.#0 Kb/S")
    lblUploadSpeedTop = "Top upload speed: " & Format(UploadSpeedTop / 1024, "###,###,###,###,#0.#0 Kb/S")
    lblDownloadSpeedAverage = "Average download speed: " & Format(DownloadSpeedAverage / 1024, "###,###,###,###,#0.#0 Kb/S")
    lblUploadSpeedAverage = "Average upload speed: " & Format(UploadSpeedAverage / 1024, "###,###,###,###,#0.#0 Kb/S")
    If DS / 1024 < 1 Then
    lblDSpeed = Format(DS, "0 BS ")
    lblDSpeed = Format(DS / 1024, "0.#0 KBS ")
    End If
    If US / 1024 < 1 Then
    lblUSpeed = Format(US, "0 BS ")
    lblUSpeed = Format(US / 1024, "0.#0 KBS ")
    End If
    UpdateGraph DS, US
    LastRecvBytes = BytesRecv
    LastSentBytes = BytesSent
    LastMoment = Now
    If m_objIpHelper.Interfaces.Count <> cboConnectionType.ListCount Then
    Dim a As Long
    For a = 1 To m_objIpHelper.Interfaces.Count
    cboConnectionType.AddItem m_objIpHelper.Interfaces(a).InterfaceDescription & " "
    If Val(GetSetting(App.Title, "Setting", "Connection", 0)) + 1 <= cboConnectionType.ListCount Then
    cboConnectionType.ListIndex = Val(GetSetting(App.Title, "Setting", "Connection", 0))
    cboConnectionType.ListIndex = 0
    End If
    End If
    Log2DB DS, US
    tmrUpdate.Enabled = True
    End Sub
    Private Sub UpdateGraph(NewRcv As Long, NewSent As Long)
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim a As Long, TopRcv As Double, TopSent As Double, vTop As Double, Frq As Long
    Frq = 85
    For a = 2 To Frq
    Rcv(a - 1) = Rcv(a)
    Sent(a - 1) = Sent(a)
    If Rcv(a) > TopRcv Then TopRcv = Rcv(a)
    If Sent(a) > TopSent Then TopSent = Sent(a)
    Rcv(Frq) = NewRcv
    Sent(Frq) = NewSent
    If Rcv(Frq) > TopRcv Then TopRcv = Rcv(Frq)
    If Sent(Frq) > TopSent Then TopSent = Sent(Frq)
    If TopRcv > TopSent Then vTop = TopRcv Else vTop = TopSent
    If Me.Visible Then
    If picGraph.BackColor = vbBlack Then picGraph.BackColor = vbWhite
    picGraph.PSet (13, 1), vbWhite
    picGraph.ForeColor = &HE0E0E0
    picGraph.Print ""
    picGraph.PSet (11, -1), vbWhite
    picGraph.ForeColor = &HFFEFEF
    picGraph.Print ""
    End If
    For a = 1 To Frq
    picGraph.Line ((a - 1) * (picGraph.ScaleWidth / Frq), picGraph.ScaleHeight - 1)-(a * (picGraph.ScaleWidth / Frq) - 1, picGraph.ScaleHeight - (picGraph.ScaleHeight * (Rcv(a) / vTop)) - 1), RGB(0, 255, 0), BF
    picGraph.Line ((a - 1) * (picGraph.ScaleWidth / Frq), picGraph.ScaleHeight - 1)-(a * (picGraph.ScaleWidth / Frq) - 1, picGraph.ScaleHeight - (picGraph.ScaleHeight * (Sent(a) / vTop)) - 1), RGB(255, 0, 0), BF
    If mnuSystemTrayIconTypeAnalog.Checked = True Then
    picIcon.PaintPicture picGraph.Image, 0, 0, picIcon.ScaleWidth, picIcon.ScaleHeight, picGraph.ScaleWidth - picGraph.ScaleHeight, 0, picGraph.ScaleHeight, picGraph.ScaleHeight
    If TextWidth(Format(NewRcv / 1024, "##0.0")) > picIcon.ScaleWidth Then picIcon.PSet (0, -4) Else picIcon.PSet ((picIcon.ScaleWidth - TextWidth(Format(NewRcv / 1024, "##0.0"))) / 2, -4)
    picIcon.ForeColor = RGB(0, 255, 0)
    picIcon.Print Format(NewRcv / 1024, "##0.0")
    If TextWidth(Format(NewSent / 1024, "##0.0")) > picIcon.ScaleWidth Then picIcon.PSet (0, picIcon.ScaleHeight / 2 - 4) Else picIcon.PSet ((picIcon.ScaleWidth - TextWidth(Format(NewSent / 1024, "##0.0"))) / 2, picIcon.ScaleHeight / 2 - 4)
    picIcon.ForeColor = RGB(255, 150, 150)
    picIcon.Print Format(NewSent / 1024, "##0.0")
    End If
    If Not Me.Visible Then
    If picGraph.BackColor = vbWhite Then picGraph.BackColor = vbBlack
    imgListTray.ListImages.Remove 1
    imgListTray.ListImages.Add , , picIcon.Image
    End If
    End Sub
    Sub Log2DB(DownloadSpeed As Long, UploadSpeed As Long)
    If DateDiff("s", LastLogged, Now) < LoggingInterval Or mnuLogToDatabase.Checked = False Then Exit Sub
    OpenDatabase(App.Path & "\BM.mdb").Execute "INSERT INTO tblLog (LogDate, LogTime, DownLoadSpeed, UploadSpeed) VALUES (#" & Date & "#, #" & Time & "#, " & DownloadSpeed & ", " & UploadSpeed & ")"
    LastLogged = Now
    End Sub
    2. Modules

    Option Explicit
    Private Declare Function ReleaseCapture Lib "user32" () As Long
    Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function SetWindowPos& Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long)
    Private Declare Function Shell_NotifyIcon Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "Shell_NotifyIconA" (ByVal dwMessage As Long, lpData As NOTIFYICONDATA) As Long
    Private Const WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN = &HA1
    Private Const HTCAPTION = 2
    Private Const HWND_TOPMOST = -1
    Private Const SWP_NOSIZE = &H1
    Private Const SWP_NOMOVE = &H2
    cbSize As Long
    hwnd As Long
    uID As Long
    uFlags As Long
    uCallbackMessage As Long
    hIcon As Long
    szTip As String * 19 'Mengganti panjang String dengan panjang szTip
    End Type
    Private Const NIM_ADD = &H0
    Private Const NIM_MODIFY = &H1
    Private Const NIM_DELETE = &H2
    Private Const NIF_MESSAGE = &H1
    Private Const NIF_ICON = &H2
    Private Const NIF_TIP = &H4
    Private Const WM_MOUSEMOVE = &H200
    Public Sub DragForm(frm As Form)
    On Local Error Resume Next
    SendMessage frm.hwnd, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, 0
    End Sub
    Public Sub StayOnTop(frm As Form, OnTop As Boolean)
    If OnTop Then
    SetWindowPos frm.hwnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE Or SWP_NOSIZE
    SetWindowPos frm.hwnd, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE Or SWP_NOSIZE
    End If
    End Sub
    Public Sub CreateIcon() 'Pemanggilan method untuk membuat icon
    Dim Tic As NOTIFYICONDATA, erg As Long
    Tic.cbSize = Len(Tic)
    Tic.hwnd = frmMain.picTray.hwnd
    Tic.uID = 1&
    Tic.uFlags = NIF_DOALL
    Tic.uCallbackMessage = WM_MOUSEMOVE
    Tic.hIcon = frmMain.picTray.Picture
    Tic.szTip = "System Tray Example"
    erg = Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_ADD, Tic)
    End Sub
    Public Sub ModifyIcon() 'Memanggil method untuk memodifikasi icon
    Dim Tic As NOTIFYICONDATA, erg As Long
    Tic.cbSize = Len(Tic)
    Tic.hwnd = frmMain.picTray.hwnd
    Tic.uID = 1&
    Tic.uFlags = NIF_DOALL
    Tic.uCallbackMessage = WM_MOUSEMOVE
    Tic.hIcon = frmMain.imgListTray.ListImages(1).ExtractIcon
    Tic.szTip = "System Tray Example"
    erg = Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_MODIFY, Tic)
    End Sub
    Public Sub DeleteIcon() 'Memanggil method untuk menghapus icon
    Dim Tic As NOTIFYICONDATA, erg As Long
    Tic.cbSize = Len(Tic)
    Tic.hwnd = frmMain.picTray.hwnd
    Tic.uID = 1&
    erg = Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_DELETE, Tic)
    End Sub
    3. Class Modules

    Private m_strInterfaceName As String
    Private m_lngInterfaceIndex As Long
    Private m_InterfaceType As InterfaceTypes
    Private m_lngSpeed As Long
    Private m_lngAdapterAddress As String
    Private m_AdminStatus As AdminStatuses
    Private m_OperationalStatus As OperationalStates
    Private m_datLastChange As Date
    Private m_lngOctetsReceived As Long
    Private m_lngUnicastPacketsReceived As Long
    Private m_lngMaximumTransmissionUnit As Long
    Private m_lngNonunicastPacketsReceived As Long
    Private m_lngDiscardedIncomingPackets As Long
    Private m_lngIncomingErrors As Long
    Private m_lngUnknownProtocolPackets As Long
    Private m_lngOctetsSent As Long
    Private m_lngUnicastPacketsSent As Long
    Private m_lngNonunicastPacketsSent As Long
    Private m_lngDiscardedOutgoingPackets As Long
    Private m_lngOutgoingErrors As Long
    Private m_lngOutputQueueLength As Long
    Private m_lngInterfaceDescription As String
    Public Property Get InterfaceDescription() As String
    InterfaceDescription = m_lngInterfaceDescription
    End Property
    Public Property Let InterfaceDescription(strNewValue As String)
    m_lngInterfaceDescription = strNewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get OutputQueueLength() As Long
    OutputQueueLength = m_lngOutputQueueLength
    End Property
    Public Property Let OutputQueueLength(lngNewValue As Long)
    m_lngOutputQueueLength = lngNewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get OutgoingErrors() As Long
    OutgoingErrors = m_lngOutgoingErrors
    End Property
    Public Property Let OutgoingErrors(lngNewValue As Long)
    m_lngOutgoingErrors = lngNewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get DiscardedOutgoingPackets() As Long
    DiscardedOutgoingPackets = m_lngDiscardedOutgoingPackets
    End Property
    Public Property Let DiscardedOutgoingPackets(lngNewValue As Long)
    m_lngDiscardedOutgoingPackets = lngNewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get NonunicastPacketsSent() As Long
    NonunicastPacketsSent = m_lngNonunicastPacketsSent
    End Property
    Public Property Let NonunicastPacketsSent(lngNewValue As Long)
    m_lngNonunicastPacketsSent = lngNewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get UnicastPacketsSent() As Long
    UnicastPacketsSent = m_lngUnicastPacketsSent
    End Property
    Public Property Let UnicastPacketsSent(lngNewValue As Long)
    m_lngUnicastPacketsSent = lngNewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get OctetsSent() As Long
    OctetsSent = m_lngOctetsSent
    End Property
    Public Property Let OctetsSent(lngNewValue As Long)
    m_lngOctetsSent = lngNewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get UnknownProtocolPackets() As Long
    UnknownProtocolPackets = m_lngUnknownProtocolPackets
    End Property
    Public Property Let UnknownProtocolPackets(lngNewValue As Long)
    m_lngUnknownProtocolPackets = lngNewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get IncomingErrors() As Long
    IncomingErrors = m_lngIncomingErrors
    End Property
    Public Property Let IncomingErrors(lngNewValue As Long)
    m_lngIncomingErrors = lngNewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get DiscardedIncomingPackets() As Long
    DiscardedIncomingPackets = m_lngDiscardedIncomingPackets
    End Property
    Public Property Let DiscardedIncomingPackets(lngNewValue As Long)
    m_lngDiscardedIncomingPackets = lngNewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get NonunicastPacketsReceived() As Long
    NonunicastPacketsReceived = m_lngNonunicastPacketsReceived
    End Property
    Public Property Let NonunicastPacketsReceived(lngNewValue As Long)
    m_lngNonunicastPacketsReceived = lngNewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get MaximumTransmissionUnit() As Long
    MaximumTransmissionUnit = m_lngMaximumTransmissionUnit
    End Property
    Public Property Let MaximumTransmissionUnit(lngNewValue As Long)
    m_lngMaximumTransmissionUnit = lngNewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get UnicastPacketsReceived() As Long
    UnicastPacketsReceived = m_lngUnicastPacketsReceived
    End Property
    Public Property Let UnicastPacketsReceived(lngNewValue As Long)
    m_lngUnicastPacketsReceived = lngNewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get OctetsReceived() As Long
    OctetsReceived = m_lngOctetsReceived
    End Property
    Public Property Let OctetsReceived(lngNewValue As Long)
    m_lngOctetsReceived = lngNewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get LastChange() As Date
    LastChange = m_datLastChange
    End Property
    Public Property Let LastChange(datNewValue As Date)
    m_datLastChange = datNewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get OperationalStatus() As OperationalStates
    OperationalStatus = m_OperationalStatus
    End Property
    Public Property Let OperationalStatus(NewValue As OperationalStates)
    m_OperationalStatus = NewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get AdminStatus() As AdminStatuses
    AdminStatus = m_AdminStatus
    End Property
    Public Property Let AdminStatus(NewValue As AdminStatuses)
    m_AdminStatus = NewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get AdapterAddress() As String
    AdapterAddress = m_lngAdapterAddress
    End Property
    Public Property Let AdapterAddress(strNewValue As String)
    m_lngAdapterAddress = strNewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get Speed() As Long
    Speed = m_lngSpeed
    End Property
    Public Property Let Speed(lngNewValue As Long)
    m_lngSpeed = lngNewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get InterfaceType() As InterfaceTypes
    InterfaceType = m_InterfaceType
    End Property
    Public Property Let InterfaceType(NewValue As InterfaceTypes)
    m_InterfaceType = NewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get InterfaceIndex() As Long
    InterfaceIndex = m_lngInterfaceIndex
    End Property
    Public Property Let InterfaceIndex(lngNewValue As Long)
    m_lngInterfaceIndex = lngNewValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get InterfaceName() As String
    InterfaceName = m_strInterfaceName
    End Property
    Public Property Let InterfaceName(strNewValue As String)
    m_strInterfaceName = strNewValue
    End Property
    Private mCol As Collection
    Public Function Add(objInterface As CInterface) As CInterface
    mCol.Add objInterface
    'Mengembalikan objek yang dibuat
    Set Add = objInterface
    Set objInterface = Nothing
    End Function
    Public Property Get Item(vntIndexKey As Variant) As CInterface
    'Digunakan untuk referensi elemen
    'vntIndexKey mengandung indeks atau kunci,
    'Menyatakan variant
    'Syntax: Set foo = x.Item(xyz) or Set foo = x.Item(5)
    Set Item = mCol(vntIndexKey)
    End Property
    Public Property Get Count() As Long
    'Digunakan untuk mengambil jumlah elemen pada
    'collection. Syntax: Debug.Print x.Count
    Count = mCol.Count
    End Property
    Public Sub Remove(vntIndexKey As Variant)
    'Digunakan untuk menghapus elemen
    'vntIndexKey mengandung indeks atau kunci yang dinyatakan sebagai variant
    'Syntax: x.Remove(xyz)
    mCol.Remove vntIndexKey
    End Sub
    Public Property Get NewEnum() As IUnknown
    'Properti ini untuk menghitung dengan sintak For...Each
    Set NewEnum = mCol.[_NewEnum]
    End Property
    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    'Menciptakan koleksi ketika membuat class
    Set mCol = New Collection
    End Sub
    Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    'Menghapus koleksi ketika mengakhiri class
    Set mCol = Nothing
    End Sub
    Option Explicit
    Public Enum OperationalStates
    End Enum
    Public Enum InterfaceTypes
    MIB_IF_TYPE_PPP = 23
    End Enum
    Public Enum AdminStatuses
    End Enum
    Private Const MAXLEN_IFDESCR = 256
    Private Const MAXLEN_PHYSADDR = 8
    Private Const MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN = 256
    Private Const ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED = 50&
    Private Const ERROR_SUCCESS = 0&
    Private Type MIB_IFROW
    wszName(0 To 511) As Byte
    dwIndex As Long
    dwType As Long
    dwMtu As Long
    dwSpeed As Long
    dwPhysAddrLen As Long
    bPhysAddr(0 To 7) As Byte
    dwAdminStatus As Long
    dwOperStatus As Long
    dwLastChange As Long
    dwInOctets As Long
    dwInUcastPkts As Long
    dwInNUcastPkts As Long
    dwInDiscards As Long
    dwInErrors As Long
    dwInUnknownProtos As Long
    dwOutOctets As Long
    dwOutUcastPkts As Long
    dwOutNUcastPkts As Long
    dwOutDiscards As Long
    dwOutErrors As Long
    dwOutQLen As Long
    dwDescrLen As Long
    bDescr(0 To 255) As Byte
    End Type
    Private Declare Function GetIfTable Lib "IPHlpApi" (ByRef pIfRowTable As Any, ByRef pdwSize As Long, ByVal bOrder As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByRef pDest As Any, ByRef pSource As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
    Private mvarInterfaces As CInterfaces
    Private m_lngBytesReceived As Long
    Private m_lngBytesSent As Long
    Public Property Set Interfaces(ByVal vData As CInterfaces)
    Set mvarInterfaces = vData
    End Property
    Public Property Get Interfaces() As CInterfaces
    Set mvarInterfaces = Nothing
    Set mvarInterfaces = New CInterfaces
    Call InitInterfaces(mvarInterfaces)
    Set Interfaces = mvarInterfaces
    End Property
    Public Property Get BytesReceived() As Double
    BytesReceived = m_lngBytesReceived
    End Property
    Public Property Get BytesSent() As Double
    BytesSent = m_lngBytesSent
    End Property
    Private Function InitInterfaces(objInterfaces As CInterfaces) As Boolean
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim arrBuffer() As Byte
    Dim lngSize As Long
    Dim lngRetVal As Long
    Dim lngRows As Long
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim IfRowTable As MIB_IFROW
    Dim objInterface As New CInterface
    lngSize = 0
    'Mereset BytesReceived and BytesSent
    m_lngBytesReceived = 0
    m_lngBytesSent = 0
    'Panggil GetIfTable untuk mendapatkan ukuran buffer ke dalam variabel lngSize
    lngRetVal = GetIfTable(ByVal 0&, lngSize, 0)
    If lngRetVal = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Then
    Exit Function
    End If
    'Menyiapkan buffer
    ReDim arrBuffer(0 To lngSize - 1) As Byte
    'Memanggil fungsi sekali lagi
    lngRetVal = GetIfTable(arrBuffer(0), lngSize, 0)
    If lngRetVal = ERROR_SUCCESS Then
    'Nilai panjang untuk tabel baris
    CopyMemory lngRows, arrBuffer(0), 4
    For i = 1 To lngRows
    'Menyalin tabel baris data dengan struktur IfRowTable
    CopyMemory IfRowTable, arrBuffer(4 + (i - 1) * Len(IfRowTable)), Len(IfRowTable)
    With IfRowTable
    objInterface.InterfaceDescription = Left(StrConv(.bDescr, vbUnicode), .dwDescrLen)
    If .dwPhysAddrLen > 0 Then
    For j = 0 To .dwPhysAddrLen - 1
    objInterface.AdapterAddress = objInterface.AdapterAddress & _
    CStr(IIf(.bPhysAddr(j) = 0, "00", Hex(.bPhysAddr(j)))) & "-"
    Next j
    objInterface.AdapterAddress = Left(objInterface.AdapterAddress, Len(objInterface.AdapterAddress) - 1)
    End If
    objInterface.AdminStatus = .dwAdminStatus
    objInterface.InterfaceIndex = .dwIndex
    objInterface.DiscardedIncomingPackets = .dwInDiscards
    objInterface.IncomingErrors = .dwInErrors
    objInterface.NonunicastPacketsReceived = .dwInNUcastPkts
    objInterface.OctetsReceived = .dwInOctets
    objInterface.UnicastPacketsReceived = .dwInUcastPkts
    objInterface.UnknownProtocolPackets = .dwInUnknownProtos
    objInterface.LastChange = .dwLastChange
    objInterface.MaximumTransmissionUnit = .dwMtu
    objInterface.OperationalStatus = .dwOperStatus
    objInterface.DiscardedOutgoingPackets = .dwOutDiscards
    objInterface.OutgoingErrors = .dwOutErrors
    objInterface.NonunicastPacketsSent = .dwOutNUcastPkts
    objInterface.OctetsSent = .dwOutOctets
    objInterface.OutputQueueLength = .dwOutQLen
    objInterface.UnicastPacketsSent = .dwOutUcastPkts
    objInterface.Speed = .dwSpeed
    objInterface.InterfaceType = .dwType
    objInterface.InterfaceName = StrConv(.wszName, vbUnicode)
    'Kumpulan informasi untuk semua interface
    m_lngBytesReceived = m_lngBytesReceived + .dwInOctets
    m_lngBytesSent = m_lngBytesSent + .dwOutOctets
    End With
    mvarInterfaces.Add objInterface
    Next i
    End If
    End Function
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